Divorce Mediation

Divorce Mediation by Coast to Coat Mediation Center

What else can you say about a 40 hour training without at least mentioning that it was 40 hours!  Nonetheless, this was some of the most productive and beneficial time I have spent in a long time.  I believe this information is not only valuable to those intending to branch out into the mediation field, but is important for any professional working with couples contemplating divorce or not.

Elizabeth Allen (an attorney) and Don Mohr (a marriage and family therapist) have two decades experience providing mediation services and offer a well-prepared, fast-moving and seemingly effortless seminar (those of us who have ever presented a seminar know all too well that they are never effortless).  The training was a pleasant mixture of lecture, discussion, role-playing and feedback.

If you come away from this training with anything less than glowing reviews, I would be surprised.  I wholeheartedly recommend this course.  

You may contact Coast to Coast at 1-800-748-6462

Reviewed by
John K. Russell, Ph.D.